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Date: 1/25/2024
From: Columbia Basin Badger Club

BADGER FORUM Thursday, February 15 | Noon

FORUM: Can we find common ground in dealing with

climate change?

Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC)                                        Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA)
      Retired Retired

If we are to address the root cause of human-induced climate change, we must eventually eliminate the net emissions of greenhouse gases arising from human activity. Although some of this reduction could be achieved by permanently removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, the real heavy lifting will require cutting emissions. But the global economy runs on fossil fuels as it has for over a century. Thus, getting to zero emissions will require an effort lasting decades, an effort that will fundamentally transform how we generate and use energy. But what is the most practical and sustainable approach for achieving this goal?

Our February forum will address the challenge of achieving a politically realistic, multi-decade program of emissions reduction from the perspective of two veteran political leaders – one Republican and one Democrat.

Bob Inglis is a former multi-term Republican member of congress from South Carolina. He is currently Executive Director of republicEn a 501 (c) (3) non-profit based at George Mason University, which advocates free-enterprise solutions to climate change. Inglis has been a Resident Fellow at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, a Visiting Energy Fellow at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, and a Resident Fellow at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. For his work on climate change, he was given the 2015 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.

Brian Baird served six terms representing Washington’s 3rd district in the U.S. House of Representatives. As Congressman, he served on the House Budget, Science and Technology, Transportation, and Small Business committees, where he earned a reputation as a bipartisan problem-solver. Dr. Baird holds a Master’s and Doctorate from the University of Wyoming in Clinical Psychology. He is a founder of 4Pir2 Communication, and currently advises leading law firms, businesses, congressional offices, patient advocacy organizations, and political campaigns on communication strategy, public policy, and ethics.



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  • Thursday, March 21 -- LOCAL: Measures of Race and Ethnicity  REGISTER