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Date: 11/28/2024
Subject: BADGER FORUM: The Untold Story of the Electoral College
From: Columbia Basin Badger Club

The Untold Story of the Electoral College
Thursday, December 12  |  Noon - 1PM
Table Talk will follow


The Electoral College is a uniquely American invention. Many have called it "the original voter suppression act." But the term "Electoral College" does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution describes the way so-called 'electors' are to cast the votes that actually elect the President of the United States. They are referred to as "electors" as individuals representing each state. Their votes are based on laws passed by the individual states and the result is reported to the President of the Senate on January 6 following each presidential election.

On January 6, 2021, as luck would have it, there was a group filming the proceedings that had been working on a documentary following the Electoral College. The documentary, called One Person One Vote is streaming on PBS. If you’re curious, here’s a link to the trailer.


MAXIMINA JUSON IN HER OWN WORDS: “I am a largely self-taught filmmaker other than completing a Cinematography Certificate at UCLA Extension. One Person, One Vote? is my feature debut. I’m a first-time filmmaker but not a first-time storyteller. My degree from The New School of Social Research was in Writing and Literature. Since then, I’ve been a poet/spoken word artist, musician/songwriter/music producer, award-winning user experience architect and business entrepreneur for an award-winning family game I co-invented – a combination of skillsets that uniquely positioned me to make a film about the electoral college that is both entertaining and engaging.”

It stands to reason that Ms. Juson would be filming in the Nation’s Capital on the day that the Electoral College ballots were to be counted; January 6, 2021. She will share her observations with the Badger Forum audience at noon on December 12.



January 16 12 Noon to 1 PM:
Who Speaks for Us Now? Many of the community leaders who have represented us so well in business, politics, and civil society are no longer with us. Who will be the new "Voices of the Tri-Cities?" January 16, Noon to 1 PM. Table Talk will follow. REGISTER HERE.
February 20 Noon to 1PM
Facts and Fiction about Crime and the Courts. Panelists will be Kennewick Police Chief Chris Guerrero and Benton County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Eisinger.
Registration will open soon.